A Day in the Cuillins

A misty day in the Cuillins in fact:IMG_3513a

though it was clear at times:IMG_3510a

Adele and I checked up on the Arabis alpina:

Arabis alpina

Arabis alpina

We saw some Empetrum nigrum that has always looked like Empetrum nigrum subsp. hermaphroditum (Mountain Crowberry) to me but this time it had fruits. I need to check it carefully later.

There was lots of Rubus saxatilis (Stone Bramble) and Saussurea alpina (Alpine Saw-wort):

Saussurea alpina in bud (lower left) and dwarf Rubus saxatilis

Saussurea alpina in bud (lower left) and dwarf Rubus saxatilis

There was also this rust on Viola riviniana (Common Dog-violet) which I take to be Puccinia violae (Violet Rust):

Puccinia violae

Puccinia violae


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4 Responses to “A Day in the Cuillins”

  1. croftgarden Says:

    Many rusts are species specific and are under-recorded, so a nice find. It seems to be a “good year” for rusts.

  2. Stephen Says:

    It was a first for me. And I notice that there are only two 10km squares in VC104 with records on the NBN gateway – both pre-2000.

  3. Adele’s 2014 Records | Plants of Skye, Raasay & The Small Isles Says:

    […] the Cuillins SSSI she and I went to check on the Arabis alpina (Alpine Rock-cress) in June since when she has refreshed records for Arabidopsis petraea (Northern Rock-cress), Cerastium […]

  4. Coir’ an Eich | Plants of Skye, Raasay & The Small Isles Says:

    […] I also found this high in the Cuillins almost exactly two years ago. […]

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